ECZEMA is a condition where patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked, and rough. … The word “eczema” is also used specifically to talk about atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema.
You might notice itchy patches on the hands, elbows, and in the “bending” areas of the body, such as the inside of the elbows and back of the knees. But eczema can appear anywhere, including the neck, chest, and eyelids. People who had atopic dermatitis as a child may see drier, scaly rashes as adults.
Causes. Pollen is one of the many potential triggers of eczema. The specific cause of eczema remains unknown, but it is believed to develop due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Children are more likely to develop eczema if a parent has had the condition or another atopic disease. Symptoms may feel worse at night – a person’s temperature decreases at night, which can make the skin feel itchy. People are more likely to scratch in their sleep, which can make itchiness worse.
Some common foods that may trigger an eczema flare-up and could be removed from a diet include:
- citrus fruits.
- dairy
- eggs
- gluten or wheat
- soy
- spices, such as vanilla, cloves, and cinnamon.
- tomatoes
- some types of nuts.

While there is no cure for eczema, there are many treatments to help manage the symptoms. Since dry skin leads to itchiness and inflammation, the goal of treatment is to find the best cream or gel that will keep your skin moisturized and reduce inflammation.

Aloe 24/7 organic aloe gel treats all these symptoms in one go!
The combination of organic Aloe Ferox gelly, Cape chamomile, Rooibos and a host of other soothing and healing herbs and essential oils treat the itch most effectively and provides the moisture and nourishment your skin needs.
Psoriasis is a common skin condition that speeds up the life cycle of skin cells. It causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin and these extra skin cells form scales and red patches that are itchy and sometimes painful. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that often comes and goes.
No medicine will keep symptoms away forever. With the right treatment, you may experience psoriasis remission and have no visible symptoms for a period of time. But the reality is that even if symptoms go away, they’re most likely to come back.
Topical psoriasis treatments include Topical corticosteroids. These drugs are the most frequently prescribed medications for treating mild to moderate psoriasis.
Salycilic acid (extracted from the bark of the Willow tree) is also often used to treat psoriasis, and is one of the incredible ingredients used in Aloe 24/7 organic aloe gel. The gel is a combination of Aloe Ferox Gelly – known for its soothing and healing properties, Cape Chamomile and Rooibos (also known for their soothing abilities), and a carefully selected blend of herbal extracts and essential oils which soothe the itchy skin almost instantly, and help to moisturise and nourish the skin to minimise the effects of future outbreaks.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for diagnosis or treatment rendered by a licensed physician. It is essential that you discuss with your doctor any symptoms or medical problems that you may be experiencing.