Aloe 24/7 has literally changed my life!
I have been suffering from chronic constipation for as many of my 35 years that I can recall. I just put it down to bad luck in the digestive system stakes. Then when I was 29 I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism, one may imagine that would lead to diarrhoea but not for me, the constipation worsened, in all likelihood due to the prescribed medication for the thyroid problem. The constant haemorrhoids, rectal oedema and fissures were not only painful but a constant hindrance in my daily life, both socially and professionally. As you can imagine I have been known to be less than perky at times. It’s hard to be pleasant when you average only two very difficult bowl movements a week. I have tried powders, gels, suppositories and foul smelling concoctions from the homeopath, anything to smooth the path. Although it would be unfair to say that none of those remedies worked for a period, it would be fair to say that they were not sustainable for the long run.
And then….. I was introduced to Aloe24/7, it’s not the first time that I had heard about the benefits of aloe, but as someone who’s tried it all, often with the undesirable result of diarrhoea, I did not pay it much heed. How wrong I was.
Aloe24/7 has literally changed my life. For approximately 7 weeks I have been drinking 150ml of Aloe 24/7 with 50ml of any of the 3 aloe/juice blends (baobab being my favourite) as it disguises the tartness of the aloe, and makes it more palatable. I do this 3 times day, and the results have been phenomenal. I noticed the results after the first 24hours. Waking up with an urge was not natural for me. To my surprise and to my delight within a week I was going to the loo every day with ease. I no longer bleed after a bowel movement and am in and out of the loo in 5 min like a normal person. I cannot thank you enough for the difference Aloe 24/7 has made in all aspects of my life. All the nastiness and side effects of constipation are behind me and I am no longer hindered by it!
Thank you again, you really cannot begin to understand the difference this has made to me.